
It begins with believing in yourself. It is understanding that you can do it. You can move ahead. Melody Beattie, the American author noted, ‘Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance,...

It's Time To Celebrate

It’s time for another holiday. But not just another holiday. It is the ONLY true red-white & blue American holiday. It was created by the Federal Government in 1870 along with New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas as the first four congressionally designated...

It’s Time To Celebrate

It’s time for another holiday. But not just another holiday. It is the ONLY true red-white & blue American holiday. It was created by the Federal Government in 1870 along with New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas as the first four congressionally designated...


Timbre… the resonant properties of the voice; the quality that distinguishes one from another. Pete Seeger said it this way: ‘Shh. Listen to the sounds that surround you. Notice the pitches, the volume, the timbre, the many lines of counterpoint. As light...


Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Redundancy is the act of using a word, or a phrase, that repeats something and is therefore unnecessary. OK. Cross out one of those ‘Are you kidding me?’ phrases above. Max Berry, an Austrian humorist stated,...