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It's Time To Celebrate

Jul 4, 2018 | Archive

It’s time for another holiday. But not just another holiday. It is the ONLY true red-white & blue American holiday. It was created by the Federal Government in 1870 along with New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas as the first four congressionally designated federal holidays. George Washington’s birthday was the fifth, also created in 1870. They were created only for the Federal employees in the District of Columbia. It wasn’t until 1885 that it was extended to Federal employees everywhere. They were created to give the employees a day off without losing a day’s pay. It was and still is today, a time to celebrate for all of us.
We’ve gone through a half year of business. There have been some good days and bad days…good weeks and great weeks. It is time to take a break, be with our families and celebrate this great country we live in. Red, White & Blue with sparklers too.
On behalf of all of the women and men of LeTip International we wish you a wonderful, safe and great Fourth Of July.
Take a break. You deserve it.

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