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Ending 2022 & Going Into 2023

Dec 5, 2022 | Archive

2022 End of Year Message – Gathering

Let’s take a look back at the past 3 years. It was March of 2020 that our lives were disrupted. By June, we hoped it would be over soon and by the end of the year we faced challenges that we had never dreamt of. 2021 started slowly and gathered speed as we began to find a “new normal”.

In 2022 we were able to do Gathering like we are used to doing. Our small communities were revived and provided comfort and consistency. We began to breath again and took each day as a blessing. In LeTip, we think about this as being part of the LeTip Family.

But all of you had to live in two parts of the world. The uncertain part of the daily world and what it would bring to the table with inflation, politics, and unknown world events that could lead to the unimaginable. The other side of the world all of us had to live in was the certain part that leaders need to create for their companies. You created this part from within you and from within your chapter camaraderie. We all have examples of how someone in our chapter helped navigate these challenges and find solutions for members’ businesses.

You had the armor of hope to defend the work of all the people at your company. You had the sword of positivity to strike through the fear and uncertainty of the day. You had the unending courage to move FORWARD, while so much of the economy wanted to start retrenching for the long haul.

And you are here today which is proof that you were SUCCESSFUL! CONGRATULATIONS!

2023 Beginning of the Year Message – Prospering

In LeTip, we are not only family though; we are business. Our Creed tells us that we are “dedicated to the highest standards … of service”. Our Guiding Principle is “To intentionally help one another prosper through mutually beneficial relationships, and thus create an economy that rewards everyone.”

In 2023, we must all use this Guiding Principle to make our chapters the most successful they have been in years as the challenges we face from the economy, politics and the world are not easing, so we must up our game to commitment to each other and the Core Values that we serve.

We need to be awake as we move into 2023. We cannot be asleep at the switch and be caught off guard by the new challenges of continuing inflation or difficulty in world events. We show that we are awake by being prepared and participating in full.

We should all be from Missouri this year – talk is cheap – show me! Show each other that you buy into the success of one another by showing up to every meeting, by increasing your tipping activity to each other and by finding new ways to bring your chapter member message or service to a broader community. Inside tipping will pass dollars around the table, but in 2023, outside tipping will grow the table for everyone.

How do we do this amongst the other priorities we have in our weekly business and personal lives? First you need to commit to the cause, then you need to put a plan of action in place and finally, you need to be there for each other and have belief every step of the way. What does it mean to live with belief in your company, your chapter, your fellow members? Use the same sword of positivity that you used to keep your company alive in 2020 and 2021 but split it into the plowshares to give everyone in your company and your chapter the tools needed to be positive along with you. Don’t go it alone in 2023.

As we gather in our chapters and small communities within LeTip we have to ask ourselves the question “Why are we here at this meeting?” We must proclaim what is true within LeTip and has been true for the 45 years we have been doing this. LeTip is most successful when we “Give, Get, Grow…Repeat”. This should be our mantra for our chapters in 2023. Seek first to build someone else’s business “WITH THEM”. You are their salesforce. Know that the other members of your chapter are thinking same way about you and your business. The “get” will come also when everyone is on the same road.

To do this, we all must GROW also, which means bringing new lifeblood into the chapters and new ideas also. 2023 is not 2013. We cannot think that new members joining today will take the time to build relationships over a year. We must all double our efforts to bring them into our community as soon as possible. Growing your chapter and accepting new ideas from the leaders as well as new members is a must in 2023 to face the challenges that the world is throwing at all of us. We cannot let our businesses, or our chapters go on autopilot.

You are the way to do this. We aren’t going to monitor your actions at the national level and even if your chapter is monitoring the bylaws, that is a backwards looking tool. You are going to be successful at being a great member because you take the bylaws seriously and invite new members to join you, mentor them to be great partners in growth, tip a MINIMUM of 4 times a month and join in a role that is bigger than just sitting in your seat.

Now is the time to take care of our brothers and sisters! Have a Great 2023 – we will walk this journey with you every step of the way.

-Guest blog written by John Pokorney, CFO of LeTip