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Top 5 Ways We Reach You

Aug 3, 2020 | Archive

Our team at LeTip HQ works diligently week to week to gather and provide relevant communications to our members and prospects. We are focused on providing valuable member communications and wish to share this with you.

We understand that sometimes our communications get missed. Often this is due to a simple error: a mistyped or outdated email address in our system, a specific email client filtering our messages, or something similar. All things we can easily fix. But you might ask yourself “Why should I want to receive communications from LeTip?” – We are happy to answer that right now!

Today we will quickly give a run down of the types of communications LeTip HQ sends out, the importance of how it relates to you, and the value being offered to you by taking the time to view it. We really do want to provide to you as our membership a positive channel of open communication and transparency with LeTip updates, happenings in our LeTip community among our chapters and members, and national news when it pertains to networking.

Below are the top 5 ways we at LeTip International HQ reach out to you:

#1 – Communicare

What it is Communicare?
“Communicare” (a combination of the words Communicate and Care) is our company e-newsletter that we send out twice a month. Communicare goes to all active LeTip Members at 1PM PT / 4PM ET on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.

Why it is important you read Communcare?
It is important to read Communicare because this is where you will find updates on what is happening across all of the LeTip chapters and members across North America. We are actively seeking members and chapters to be featured in our newsletters. Would you like to be featured? Reach out to us and we will make it happen! We also include  links to sign up for LeTip training (Network Training Seminars, Board of Directors Trainings, etc), articles written by LeTip staff and associates, Kim Marie’s Blog and important announcements about LeTip, LeTip Wired, LeTip World Franchise, or regional/national/international events.

Are you missing these important emails? There may be an error in our system, such as us having the wrong email address on file. Please contact us right away if you suspect this is the case.

What is the value provided to you in Communcare?
For our chapters and members who we feature, we are giving them free advertising and promoting their businesses and chapters for growth.

#2 – LeTip Informational Email Broadcasts

What are LeTip Informational Email Broadcasts?
LeTip Informational Email Broadcasts are used when we need to make a timely announcement that is not already part of Communicare (or if it was in a Communicare, a quick reminder of something really important that may have been missed). These include links to webinars, contests, press releases and more.

Are you missing these important emails? There may be an error in our system, such as us having the wrong email address on file. Please contact us right away if you suspect this is the case.

Why it is important you read LeTip Informational Email Broadcasts?
If you are a LeTip Member, we know that you care about what is going in LeTip . By reading your emails from LeTip HQ you can be “in the know” about everything we are doing.

What is the value provided to you in LeTip Informational Email Broadcasts?
The value provided is transparency and open communications in what is going on with LeTip. Many companies make big changes or roll out new products or features without much communication to their customer base. We like to do things differently. You are also provided value with contests where you can win free memberships, webinars shared just to you as a LeTip Member that provide learning and education on important business topics, and big important changes happening within our company and brand. We feel that these are all things that should be valuable to you in some capacity.

#3 – LeTip’s Social Media

What is LeTip’s Social Media?
Currently LeTip has active accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. We have two goals on social media: membership outreach and promotion, and prospecting. Our first goal is to promote our members and chapters and show them off to the rest of the LeTip network of members and the world. By promoting you and your chapters we bring attention to your business and often find prospects to link up with your chapter. Our second goal is to interact with our followers on social media, or prospects reaching out to find a chapter to join. Many times, our social media leads them to the website in which case we pass them onto our team that handles linking those prospects up with chapters in your area.

Why it is important you read, like, subscribe, and follow LeTip’s Social Media?
It’s important to read, like, subscribe and follow LeTip’s Social Media because it strengthens the connection among our membership and builds the brand following. Our social media provides aw ay for members to share the value they see in LeTip which can help build your chapter and make your business more visible on social media by reposting/sharing information that other businesses will see. You also help us by growing our viewership which grows our brand, and brings more people into LeTip.

What is the value provided to you in LeTip’s Social Media?
As mentioned, we promote your business which is a free avenue of advertising. Who doesn’t like free advertising for their business? We feel this is an added benefit to your value of a LeTip Membership. We also promote your chapters. Bigger chapters are generally stronger and pass more tips, which means more “Dollars in your Pocket!™”.

#4 –

What is acts as a main hub for everything LeTip. Prospects can link up with open chapters or form brand new ones, people can find out more about LeTip, and all of the great articles that are featured in our newsletters, press releases, and social media posts are public for the world to see.

Why it is important you read is where all of the Communicare articles are posted, so even though it is a members-only newsletter they are still here for the world to see. But by viewing the articles in Communicare each month you are also viewing them on this website. We also keep news articles, press releases, announcements, and more on our website.

What is the value provided to you on
Value is provided by having marketing materials (we encourage you to share to people you want to teach about LeTip), prospecting forms that automate a connection between chapter openings and our New Member Liason who helps you grow your chapters, free advertising with the articles shared about you and your chapters, and also important information like company contact info for you to reach out to our staff or LeTip associates in your area.

#5 – LeTip Wired Announcements

What are LeTip Wired Announcements?
LeTip Wired Announcements are the announcements that pop up on the top of your screen when you view LeTip Wired on your desktop or laptop browser.

Why it is important you read LeTip Wired Announcements?
These are usually straight forward. Important information about LeTip or important membership-wide announcements announcing things like new Wired features and updates.

What is the value provided to you in LeTip Wired Announcements?
The value is provided with more transparency and communication of what is going on, and also to show our continued efforts in rolling out new LeTip Wired features and updates.

We understand you are very busy, and we greatly appreciate you taking the time to receive and read our content. The bottom line is, we work hard gathering information we think you want to see from us and we don’t want you to miss out on it!

Every day we come up with new ways to improve our communication and enhance the relevancy of the things we send out to you and post online. We truly appreciate your feedback. Have any suggestions or feedback of things you’d like to see? We’d love to hear from you! Call us today at 1-800-255-3847 or reach out to our team through email.

Have a Great LeTip Day!



To read more of Kim Marie’s Blog, click here

Kim Marie Branch-Pettid

Kim Marie is one of the leading women business owners in charge of an organization which includes more than 5200 members worldwide, now entering their 40th Anniversary Celebration. Her motivational speeches have been heard all across North America. With 28 years in the banking industry in all forms, including mergers and acquisitions, she has been and continues to be involved in fund raising for non-profit organizations, as well as a member of California Women for Agriculture, Sequoia Guild, member of Vistage Trusted Advisor Group and WPO-Women Presidents Organization, Phoenix, AZ. Also, she is a past board member of ASBA (Arizona Small Business Association). Her specialties include trainer, motivator, connector with years of experience in bringing businesses together for a ‘great fit’.

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