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How to Set Goals in Uncertain Times

Feb 1, 2021 | Archive

Focus on the big picture – instead of focusing on what you don’t know, focus on what you do know instead. – Cinnamon Wolfe

2021 is here and with it we all need to remember that we cannot know where we are going without a map. The highway ahead may still be uncertain in 2021, but road we are on now is visible and we are not alone. You all have the wonderful members of your LeTip chapter to take this road with you. You also have the dedicated staff at LeTip International that will work with you and your chapter to make 2021 successful and prosperous.

Let’s start 2021 off with acknowledgement that we are living in uncertain times, but that we still control our lives through the hard work and camaraderie that is the basis for LeTip.

This BLOG is about your Chapter’s planning and goal setting for 2021.

LOL – don’t stop now, there are some key points here that you all need to hear and take action on in order to get what you want and deserve out of your LeTip chapter.

First, start by laying out what you as a member what/need from your chapter members in 2021. How many Tips do you need? How much money do you need them to help you bring in? You must know what you want from your LeTip Chapter Members. Plan to put this into a short note to the leadership team and into your next 30-second commercial for next week.

Once everyone has given their needs to the leadership team, they can start to assess how the chapter can accomplish the total.

Now, each individual needs to take the opposite viewpoint. How many Tips do you think you can bring in? Look at last year or the last two years. Do you need to find new ways to be better at holding up your end of the LeTip Membership agreement? If you have Tipped 3 tips per month for the past two years and 1 of those was always a cup of coffee or your monthly insurance payment that you started two years ago, then you need to commit to taking the time each week to work on Tipping for your Chapter members. They do the same for you. Reach out to the Top Tipper in your chapter and ask them to help you along the way. Make a goal of being the Top Tipper during at least one month this year. This is something that you can have control over. Take control and you will get the Psychic Income, which is the great feeling you receive when you help others.

Second, look at the Chapter Goals for new members. In order to hit all of your other goals, you will need new members in 2021. Many businesses did not make it through 2020, including some of your membership last year. This year, what will you do to increase the number of Chapter Members on your Sales Force. Your minimum commitment to the Chapter should be one new sponsorship. But you can be “self-centered” when you make this commitment. You should always be looking to expand your set of Power Partners within your Chapter each year. These are the members who you know are more likely to Tip you due to the type of business they run, or whom you are more likely able to Tip.

So, I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed, so I’m only going to include three suggestions here. Third, find new advantages to being in LeTip in 2021. If you aren’t using Wired, talk to your chapter about

trying it out. If you haven’t downloaded the mobile app, try that out. If you haven’t sent a link through the Extended Network, do that. If you haven’t attended a Webinar, start this week by attending the B.A.N.K. Master Class. If you haven’t even Cracked Your Code for B.A.N.K, do that. There are a lot of ideas that LeTip has in motion for YOUR BENEFIT. Reach out to someone in one of our largest chapters or reach out to a Gold Badge holder and ask them “If you could only have one benefit from LeTip this year, what would it be?” Listen to their advice. They have been successful utilizing LeTip resources and because they have had success, they also want you to have success. Remember what I said about Psychic Income. They are in search of it also and want to find more. They will be excited about helping you be the best LeTip member and get the most out of your LeTip Chapter that you can.

If you liked these ideas, I encourage you to take my NTS class which I teach every month. Or, attend a LeTip Happy Hour which happen weekly, or a National Leadership Call which happens monthly. You will find that the Leadership Team at LeTip International guides these meetings to bring new benefits to the members who attend.