Steve Gray, Top Tipper of the Year

As a Residential Realtor, I understand networking and “staying in touch” is my future business. When I joined LeTip of Tigard (Oregon) 19 years ago, I noticed the group of 15 always clapped when a member announced they had at least 4 tips. I liked that and wanted...
Member Spotlight: Mike Kraling

Member Spotlight: Mike Kraling

Mike Kraling is in the Fire Protection category and a member of the LeTip of El Cajon, CA chapter. His company, ABC Fire Equipment Co. is a family owned business that was started by his father in 1977. He was invited to visit a LeTip meeting by a locksmith who was a...

End of Year 2018 Chapter Stats

Below are some fascinating Chapter Stats on the following: Chapters with the most reported Tips Per Member in 2018, Chapters with the most reported $’s passed in 2018, Chapters with the most members joined in 2018, and Members with the most sponsorships in 2018....

Member Responsibility

Who, me? I as a member have a responsibility to my chapter and to LeTip International? Really? What are my responsibilities? Where do I find what they are and how do I take care of them? Merriam Webster’s Definition of “responsibility” 1. The quality...

LeTip in the Sunshine State

“It’s great to be in business for yourself, but not by yourself. Be in business with LeTip!” With over 100 LeTip members, The Sunshine State does not slow down, especially when it comes to networking. Having founded it’s first chapter in 1995, now known as LeTip of...