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Steve Gray, Top Tipper of the Year

Apr 1, 2019 | News & Announcements

As a Residential Realtor, I understand networking and “staying in touch” is my future business. When I joined LeTip of Tigard (Oregon) 19 years ago, I noticed the group of 15 always clapped when a member announced they had at least 4 tips. I liked that and wanted everyone to clap for me, so I had to figure out how I could make that happen. I have often referred to LeTip as a networking opportunity which can “grow like Cancer”. Being in the housing business and having needs for repairs, I focused on the trades which I could tip. Once I trusted these professionals, I was on a mission to refer them to as many Realtors as possible.

Basically, I have become a top tipper (and get claps every meeting) by establishing a network of other Realtors who routinely use members of our chapter over and over again. I call this the “Referral Channel”. I know that the Realtor in the Chapter should be the top tipper as we deal with so many various trades, but everyone in the Chapter knows another Realtor who they can set up a “Referral Channel”. As these channels have been established, my tips received have gone “through the roof!” Last year, my LeTip referrals accounted for over 63% of my business or $11.7 million in Sales.

So, here is my motivational challenge to all members of LeTip. Be a great tipper by reaching out to the Realtors you know (outside of your Chapter) and set up a “Referral Channel”.
Today our Chapter has over 50 members and I proudly wear a Silver Badge.

To see the full list of LeTip Chapter & Member award winners, please click here