Change is Necessary

Change is Necessary

In today’s networking world, we must strive to create an ambiance of immense positivity and engagement within our perspective groups. Group members should look forward to attending the meetings, as a means of escaping the negative gloom and doom portrayed by the media...
Member Spotlight: Katherine Yamaguchi

Member Spotlight: Katherine Yamaguchi

Meet Katherine Yamaguchi, Membership Chair for the LeTip of Port Jefferson Chapter. She is the owner of Katherine Konnection, and holds the Marketing Consultant seat for the chapter. She also, recently, achieved a Silver Badge with LeTip! Congratulations, Katherine!...
Power Partners: Contractors

Power Partners: Contractors

Earlier this year, we covered popular power partnerships throughout our LeTip family both in the self-care realm and then in the attorney categories. To review, within LeTip, Power Partners are defined as “businesspeople whose professional connections intertwine with...
Communicare – July 2023

Communicare – July 2023

John OrtizLeTip of Anaheim, CAChapter President View LeTip of North Jersey VirtualFounded in 2021and chartered in 2022! View Build Trust Through Consistent OutreachThe importance of having consistent messagingand outreach to promote your business View Be safe during...
LeTip of North Jersey Virtual, NJ

LeTip of North Jersey Virtual, NJ

So much has changed in the last few years! It is important to able to acknowledge when times are changing and be able to go with the flow and adapt to the change. Some of our members in Northern New Jersey saw the need for a different way to hold chapter meetings and...