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LeTip of North Jersey Virtual, NJ

Jul 10, 2023 | Featured Chapter

So much has changed in the last few years! It is important to able to acknowledge when times are changing and be able to go with the flow and adapt to the change. Some of our members in Northern New Jersey saw the need for a different way to hold chapter meetings and started the LeTip of North Jersey Virtual Chapter a few years back. This chapter was founded in October of 2021 and has experienced a nice steady growth over the last couple of years.

The LeTip of North Jersey chapter meets weekly, via Zoom, and this year has started quarterly meet-ups for the membership. “For many of our members, the convenience of meeting on-line remains something that they enjoy the flexibility of. It’s great to get the day started, make sure your early morning emails are addressed, and then grab a cup of coffee and jump on the call!” She added, “The time saved so I can be at my desk for my clients, sooner, was definitely a plus for me and the ability to meet online certainly helps when it comes to beating morning traffic or weather issues!”

The chapter officially chartered, meaning they reached 16 or more members, at the end of last year and got together in March to celebrate the accomplishment. Meeting in person also helps to solidify the relationships that have been building in on online setting. “We have, definitely, seen what meeting in person can do to enhance the connections that have been started in a virtual setting. Our get-togethers are fun! It’s good to get to know each other outside of just a business focus. It strengthens the bond,” Maria said. The chapter has a solid foundation of LeTip veterans, with three of their board members being Silver Badge holders. Though it helps to have the LeTip experience, the leadership in this chapter is very open to change and input from membership. For them collaboration is key!

In terms of chapter goals, they would like to have a healthy membership growth with the right people. They know that it is about quality and not quantity. They like to make sure there is a good fit for prospective members. Membership Chair and Renovation Contractor of the chapter, Anthony Giampapa of RWC Windows, Doors, Kitchen and More, said, “We know the virtual meetings can be easier but we also, don’t want it to be like you can jump on the zoom and space out or check your email or take phone calls the whole time. We want members that will be present at the meetings and engaged!” They know that people do business with those that they know, like, and trust and look to create a positive environment within the group to foster relationship building.

In order to keep things fun, this chapter likes to mix things up with questions or themes during their 30 second commercials such as asking what their favorite vacation spot is, or what would their baseball walk up song be, or incorporating candy bars into their commercials. They also often do breakout sessions during their meetings for mini networking sessions so they can get the chance to learn from each other more. “The one thing with meeting virtually, is that we lose the time in the beginning or end of the in-person meetings where we would hang out and chat. So, we try to incorporate that “hang out” time in the breakout rooms.” Maria added that they do follow the traditional meeting format and have power point slides they work from at each meeting, instead of a flipchart, but that the added elements do help keep things social and energy high.

This chapter has been building a great foundation to grow from and we are excited to see their continued success. If you would like to pay them a visit, just drop Maria a note via Wired or send her an email. They welcome inter-chapter visits!