Member Spotlight: James Monaghan

Member Spotlight: James Monaghan

I have been a member of LeTip of Blue Bell since 2006 and board president for the last four years. Back in 2006 when I joined LeTip, I could have joined a half a dozen networking groups in my area but after being a guest at the Blue Bell, Pennsylvania chapter, I...
July 2020 Badge Upgrades

July 2020 Badge Upgrades

We would like to honor our LeTip members who have worked hard to upgrade their badges over the past few months. Member who had their badge upgraded to GOLD in June – July of 2020: Member Name Chapter Name Badge Color Fred Nasseri LeTip of San Diego North, CA...
Top 5 Ways We Reach You

Top 5 Ways We Reach You

Our team at LeTip HQ works diligently week to week to gather and provide relevant communications to our members and prospects. We are focused on providing valuable member communications and wish to share this with you. We understand that sometimes our communications...
Hybrid Chapters

Hybrid Chapters

In our most recent issue of Communicare, we talked about learning to adapt in these times to be able to succeed. One of the ways of doing this was by utilizing “Hybrid Chapters” – (Click here to learn more about what that means). Here are some...
Q3 2020 Chapter Stats

Q3 2020 Chapter Stats

Chapters are doing a great job during this time of year! There have been 973 guests invited through Wired since March 1st. 60% of chapters have used Wired to Invite Guests during this time. Top inviting chapters with over 20 invites in 20 weeks (since March 1st):...