Member Anniversaries

Member Anniversaries

From January thru March 2021, we want to celebrate some special anniversaries of our members. We have 3 members celebrating 30 year milestones: Duncan McCollum – LeTip of Santa Cruz, CA Garry Grace – LeTip of La Jolla, CA Erin Philp – LeTip of San...
LeTip of Westside Referrals Network, CA

LeTip of Westside Referrals Network, CA

LeTip of Westside Referrals Network, CA truly understands what it means to be great. For years this chapter has cultivated a winning attitude towards building relationships. This is a chapter that has gone through their ups and downs and have always prevailed because...
Member Spotlight: Matthew Peters

Member Spotlight: Matthew Peters

It seems inevitable that I would be drawn to LeTip of Lower Bucks County, PA. I value input from other business professionals, I appreciate different perspectives, and I like having a network to reach out to for help or insights. I don’t particularly appreciate...
Quarterly Program

Quarterly Program

It’s the start of a new year and time to make sure that your 2021 LeTip Chapter plans are in place. This week I want to remind everyone of the benefits of our Quarterly Program Rotation. There are three pillars to our quarterly program, Tipping, Membership and the...
How to Set Goals in Uncertain Times

How to Set Goals in Uncertain Times

Focus on the big picture – instead of focusing on what you don’t know, focus on what you do know instead. – Cinnamon Wolfe 2021 is here and with it we all need to remember that we cannot know where we are going without a map. The highway ahead may still be...