Member Spotlight: Jaclyn Rae

Member Spotlight: Jaclyn Rae

Jaclyn Rae is humbly serving LeTip of Tigard, while occupying her Nutritionist category. She is founder of Jaclyn Creations, and lives to educate her clients in supplementing through the food they eat to optimize their nutrition. She provides her clients personalized...
Communicare – October 2021

Communicare – October 2021

Jennifer Gardella, PHDYour Social Media Consultant View LeTip of Red RockMeeting weekly in West Las Vegas View Align With Your Local Chamber View Member Anniversaries View Don’t forget, Fall Board Training this month! All members are welcome to join. Sign-Up...
Member Anniversaries

Member Anniversaries

From August thru September 2021, we want to celebrate some special anniversaries of our members. We have 1 member celebrating a 35 year milestone: Dianne Rath – LeTip of San Diego,CA HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We also have many members celebrating milestones from 5 – 25...