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Communicare – October 2021

Oct 4, 2021 | Communicare

Jennifer Gardella, PHD

Your Social Media Consultant

LeTip of Red Rock

Meeting weekly in West Las Vegas

Align With Your Local Chamber

Member Anniversaries

Don’t forget, Fall Board Training this month! All members are welcome to join.

Come join us and fellow LeTip Members online for our weekly Zoom calls.

“Secretaries Corner” include topics to cover at your weekly chapter meetings across each month. All of these monthly covered topics will be in the LeTip Wired Documents Library in the folder named “Secretaries Corner” inside the “3. Board & Committee Member Resources” folder.

We are doing another Halloween Costume Contest for LeTip Members, only this time it will be done all on our social media!
Click below to view our contest details over on our Facebook!