Communicare – August 2022

Communicare – August 2022

Gary BlockChapter President of LeTip of Buxmont View LeTip of Bell WorksA chapter that grew over 30+ members in less than half a year! View LeTip World Series ContestYou can win tickets to the World Series! View Member AnniversariesWe want to recognize many Member...
Member Spotlight: Gary Block

Member Spotlight: Gary Block

If you attended our Board Retreat this year, you may have met Gary Block! He led some of the training sessions for our board members and did a fabulous job with it! Gary Block is the current President of the LeTip of Buxmont, PA. He is also the owner and Creative...
LeTip World Series Contest

LeTip World Series Contest

Did you know? I am willing to bet, many of our members do not even know we are in the middle of our Summer contest. We do this most every year to support our members and encourage them to bring back former members who may have left and brand-new members whom, could...
LeTip of Bell Works, NJ

LeTip of Bell Works, NJ

What do you get when you cross a dynamic group of founding members, with focused goals and strong ambition to succeed? You get a LeTip chapter that has grown at record speed! Introducing LeTip of Bell Works, NJ. This chapter was founded in February of 2022 and in a...
Member Anniversaries

Member Anniversaries

From August 2022 thru November 2022, we want to celebrate some special anniversaries of our members. We have 1 member celebrating a 35 year milestone: Sandi Munoz – LeTip of Pacific Coast, CA HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We also have many members celebrating milestones...