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LeTip of Bell Works, NJ

Aug 1, 2022 | Featured Chapter

What do you get when you cross a dynamic group of founding members, with focused goals and strong ambition to succeed? You get a LeTip chapter that has grown at record speed! Introducing LeTip of Bell Works, NJ. This chapter was founded in February of 2022 and in a few months, has grown to 33 members and counting! We, recently, connected with founding member John Francisco, Financial Advisor with Fortis Wealth Group and current President of this fast-growing chapter, to talk about their success.

Were you a founding member?  IF so, what made you want to start this chapter?
Yes, I am a founding member. I reached out to a few folks in December, we got drinks and discussed starting a referral based networking group to grow our businesses and develop a network we can refer vetted professionals to our clients/network.
Your chapter started only a few months ago and has experienced massive growth, thus far. 

What do you attribute to your growth?​
I contribute the rapid growth to our culture. We started with a great core group of people with a common goal, wanted to grow our businesses, and who really enjoy networking. We established some goals in the very beginning and set out to find other like-minded people to help us grow. 

What would you like us to know about your chapter that makes you different from others? 
​Our group is a younger group, many of us in our 20s/30s/40s, and we see this as an opportunity to run together for the next 10+ years. We are all in growth mode of our businesses. We use social media as a tool to help build our group’s brand and spread the word of who we are and what we do. Another unique thing about our group is we take care of business in our meetings, we are not a breakfast club by any means, but many of us choose to hang out together outside of our meetings. 

What goals, if any, have you set for your chapter in its first year?​
I set a couple of goals for our chapter. The first is I want everyone to see a return on their investment (national/chapter dues and their time). Second, I want to become a $1,000,000 group in year one. Lastly, I would like to host a philanthropic event by the end of the year to give back to the community. 

Is there anything else, specifically, you would like to share about your chapter?
We recently hosted a mixer/networking event and had over 100 registrants/$3,000+ in ticket sales, which we were very happy with for our first event. It was a very fun Wednesday evening!

We see a bright future for this chapter! LeTip members, did you pick up any pointers from John Francisco and the LeTip of Bell Works chapter to help your own chapter growth?

What ideas will you be implementing to reach your goals? We would love to hear from you!