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What Do You Want to Be Known For?

Jun 28, 2017 | Networking Tips

Article by: Dr. John Brockway, DC

It was a fairly typical breakfast with my business colleagues.

As I sat there pondering my choices, I was forced into making a decision that my subconscious was already convicting me of.

But, without any cash, and not many other options, I chose the path of least resistance. Would they find out? Would we all laugh it off, eventually?

No, I’m not talking about dining and dashing.

I’m talking about writing a tip I’m not so proud of.

You know. The one where you kinda ask yourself, “should I really count this as a tip?” Well, I don’t have a buck, so why not.

Does the Tipmaster remember this same lead I passed a few weeks ago for the same product/service? No harm, right?

I’ve been there, done that. And I’m never left with a very pleasant feeling in my stomach afterward.

Sure, sometimes I absolutely don’t know how good of a tip it is. It’ll be up to the receiver to decide. Other times, I feel guilted into putting something in the tip bucket, regardless of the quality.

I hope I’ve since refined my ways.

And, although it’s difficult to look at the tip report, and see my name lacking for tips given. Or having to put a buck in the tip bucket. Or having to answer to the Tip Master.

The alternative is worse.

I don’t want to be known as the person with wishy-washy leads. I don’t want to be thought of as a time-waster (someone’s most valuable asset). How excited is someone going to be to send me a referral if that’s how I’m thought of?

Now, when you do get a lead from me, please know that I’ve put a considerable amount of thought into that lead. They are expecting your call. They are in dire need of your expertise.  Time is of the essence. And, I’ve told them that you’ll be reaching out to them.

I’m begging you to follow-up with that person promptly, and to let me know how it turned out for you.

My hope is that it’s a slam dunk and results in a ridiculous amount of good business for you. If it doesn’t, simply let me know.

Maybe you’ll still count it as a tip, maybe you won’t. But, I’ll at least know how I can refine my craft of giving you tips.

And, I just might be thought of as a member who passes great tips.

What Do You Want to Be Known For?