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The Power of Authenticity in Business Networking Meetings

Apr 3, 2023 | Networking Tips

Business networking meetings are filled with opportunities to interact, engage, and build rapport with
the individual members attending. So, how do you make the most out of these interactions?

Personal Authenticity

The cliché aphorism, “fake it till you make it”, might make sense in Hollywood. However, being and
presenting your authentic self is crucial in the world of business networking; this does not necessarily
mean you should approach business networking meetings the same way you would approach a night out
with your best friends.

We all have unique character traits, values, and experiences. And by portraying your authentic self while
business networking, you are more likely to build genuine relationships with the other individuals in your
group. When you are authentic, the connections you develop will follow suit. Take a moment to think
about the factors influencing whom you choose to do business with. More often than not, we base these
decisions on trust.

How can you trust someone who is not representing themself authentically? You can’t.

Business Authenticity

When attending a business networking meeting, you represent both yourself and your business.
Therefore, you should represent your business with the exact authenticity you present yourself.
Overpromising and exaggerating your business’s capabilities may bring in new clients. However, once
those clients realize you are not up to the task, you will lose them while preventing yourself from
receiving their referrals.

No one knows your business better than you. So whether you are a business owner or an employee, be
confident and well-versed in the services or products you offer. Your business networking group
members will respect that confidence and authenticity, reciprocating it and helping everyone grow their
clientele while forming lifelong relationships.

-Russ Silberman, LeTip Member & Digital Content Manager at Electric Bricks Digital Marketing

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