
Energize Your Business

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Shikha Jain

Mar 28, 2017 | Member Spotlight

I am Shikha Jain. I am a daughter of a very proud Dad who is also my mentor. I have two kids 10 and 3 years old. I am a wife whose husband has always supported her whether it’s about leaving my career as a CPA and pursuing my dream as an entrepreneur or anything I want to do.

I am CEO of TechFolds Inc. I often introduce TechFolds as my 3rd baby. HaHaHa. It started out as my own personal need for videos for another venture but could not find a perfect match to what I was looking for. Either some options were too expensive or were not as per the quality I was looking for. Then I made my own team of highly qualified people and created TechFolds Inc. At TechFolds Inc. we make intro, marketing, promo and training videos for businesses and professionals. We make 2D, 3D, whiteboard animation or motion graphics videos. We also do augmented realities and Virtual realities movies.

We are growing and we are getting very good response from our clients. People love our work and they refer us to their friends and family. LeTip has been instrumental in growing our business. I can say that people at LeTip help each other grow. You don’t feel you are alone in this.  That’s the best part for me!!!

So why videos… or how are videos important for your business?

In today’s tech world we all agree that marketing is very important for our business growth.

Whether it is Email Marketing, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Blogs, Websites or Webinars, we all do marketing whether online or offline for 3 basic reasons:

  1. Educate customers about our products or services
  2. Increase conversion rate & ultimately
  3. Boost Sales

Videos are important for marketing in today’s mobile world and animations are trending now as a powerful marketing tool to:

  1. Simplify complex topics
  2. Keep viewer’s attention and
  3. Make your marketing info fun for your viewers

Animation should be included in other forms of marketing to give a visual effect to your message whether it is your blog post, social media post, email marketing or website. They help you get the desired results and increase your bottom line.

Having a video on your website could increase your chances to be on the first page of google by 52 times!!

There are many proven successful statistics about videos and animations like:

  1. A 1 minute video is equal to 1.8 million words.
  2. Half of advertisers have reallocated their budget from TV to digital video.
  3. By 2019, 80 percent of consumer internet activity will be watching videos