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Self-Care Tips for Entrepreneurs

Jul 5, 2022 | Featured Chapter

When running a business, the importance of staying healthy is paramount. Not only do business owners need their health to run their business effectively, but other people, such as clients/customers, and employees are counting on them, as well. Yet, we can bet our LeTip business owners have probably worked many late nights (not to mention sleepless ones!) and probably didn’t always eat the healthiest meals. Perhaps they sacrificed workout time or are thinking to themselves, ‘WHAT workout time?” This month we are focusing on an essential topic for our LeTip family: selfcare. We thought we would turn to some of the health and wellness experts within our community and ask them what important self-care tips or advice they would give to our business owners and entrepreneurs. Let’s dive in and examine some ways we can be healthier, while running our businesses.

Claudia Haller, NBC-HWC, national board-certified Health and Wellness coach, currently in the LeTip of Paramus chapter, stated, “Often times business owners forget that THEY ARE their business. A thriving business and long-term success is directly related to the leader’s health. Why? To be able to lead a team, have the clarity to make good decisions, hire the right people, have vision, and demonstrate follow through, manage time, energy and resources properly, we need our bodies and brains to operate at peak performance. The healthier we are – the healthier our businesses are.” Claudia also encourages fellow business owners to look at their numbers, “I assume most entrepreneurs and business owners know their numbers. Their profit and loss statements. To my fellow entrepreneurs: Do you really know your numbers? What is your BMI? Your heart rate? Your cholesterol?”

Scott McCray, Silver Badge member, and Health and Nutrition category of the LeTip of Arapahoe County chapter shared that we should be paying attention to what he calls the “health triangle,” – a) diet & lifestyle, b) exercise, and c) alternative & professional care. If any of the three sides are neglected, there are consequences, but the key is knowing, so we can get back on track. Diet & Lifestyle can encompass everything from good nutrition, quality supplementation, to sleep and stress management. A key word here is “balance.” With exercise, remember “whatever you don’t use, you lose”. With alternative & professional care, “on a regular basis, see your chiropractor, your massage therapist, your acupuncturist, your naturopath, your dentist… and yes, get a physical each year.” Scott closed with saying, “So, the short answer is to keep your triangle intact for as long as you can.”

Holistic health practitioner from the LeTip of Port Jefferson chapter, Barbara Ann Grova said, “Entrepreneurship can be challenging. With everything on your plate, it’s easy to ignore your own needs. But the cost of not taking care of yourself now is much greater in the long run. Even small routines of self-care can set you up to be mentally, emotionally, and physically prepared to handle the demands of a small business owner.” She offered up these three things: 1) Take time for yourself. Just Breathe, 2) Eat at least one healthy meal a day and do something nice for your body. 3) Take a mental health day.

Dr. Gregg Anderson, chiropractor and Gold Badge member of the LeTip of Sacramento chapter, shared, “Make sure you take the time necessary to stay healthy and fit, and endeavor to keep your work life and personal life in balance. Spend your time wisely. You can always make more money, but you can’t make more time. One of the best business decisions I’ve ever made, was deciding to work only 4 days a week, and take Fridays off every week. The next best was joining LeTip!”

Michael Paff, Acupuncturist from the LeTip of Hackensack chapter, gave us this summertime suggestion, “Eat cooling, moisturizing foods like watermelon, apples, lemons, rabbit, fish, barley, cucumber and spinach. Drink some green tea. Mint and chrysanthemum are also cooling. Limit greasy, fatty, overly-sweet, fried, spicy, and hot foods and beverages (yes, it means coffee too). You can and should stay up a little later. It’s also best to get up earlier. Longer days require less sleep.” Michael added, “Nourish and care for you Spirit. Do things that bring you joy, laugh with friends, spend time on your hobbies, hug your family, get out in nature. Be in each moment. Joy is the emotion of the heart and it’s all around us.”

We also connected with long-time member Karri Bailey, Massage Therapist from LeTip of Roseburg, OR. She shared tips from what she calls “Kindergarten Care” – so basic, kids do it, while adults tend to lose or disregard these practices. Here are a few:
-Get enough sleep to not be cranky. (Restores).
-Get enough water, even if it’s from a hose. (The freeway for all 11 of the body’s systems)
-Play and Recreation. (Produces strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination, socialization, and most of all, JOY!)
-Good friends and family relationships. (Counsel, sharing life, growth, communication)
-Faith. Because sometimes we need something beyond ourselves.

We hope you found some “golden nuggets,” as you read this article. If you have any further questions on your own self-care, we invite you to talk to the health and wellness experts in your chapter. If those categories are not represented in your chapter, utilize Wired to connect with LeTip members representing those categories in our network, or reach out to one of our experts in this article. Thank you for reading, LeTip family, and keep taking care of yourselves!