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New Member’s Website Launch

Apr 15, 2019 | News & Announcements

LeTip International, Inc. is proud to announce the new!

We did it! It’s here! An entirely new, built from the ground up LeTip Wired website is now launching for all of our valued LeTip membership. With improvements and additions, and some brand new features not present in the old version of our members-only site, we are delighted to present to our members this useful time saver of a tool.

Below are some of the new improvements and additions you will find there:

Speed & Stability

The #1 improvement which you will notice right away on the new member’s only website is increased speeds and responsiveness. We have made significant changes to the underlying infrastructure of LeTipWired which will provide improved reaction time to all functionality. This means that sending and receiving tips online, running reports, updating your information online, or anything you do on the website will be much smoother and faster which in turn saves your valuable time.

Improved Functionality

-Weekly Program
-Guest Invitation System w/ Tracking
-Improved Reporting
-Improved Tipping System w/ Tip Tracking
-New LeTip Library & More

Brand New Features

-Improved Database for Speed
-A Modern & Sleeker Design
-Completely Overhauled Dashboard
-New Profile Features, Such as Video Commercials
-Much Much More!

These are just a few brief examples of the improvements that the new website holds. LeTip Wired is available free to all of our active LeTip members, and provides increased value to your membership. You can find out more about the new features and improvements by logging into the website from your computer or laptop when the website launches. We strongly encourage our members to update their Profile Information, Profile Picture, and 30 Second Commercial after the launch to add value to your membership and be listed on our main website. People want to do business with people they know and everyone can get to know you by seeing your picture and video.

If you are a LeTip member, you will receive access to the new LeTip Wired website very soon!