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Member Spotlight: Shari Lee Sugarman

Sep 6, 2022 | Member Spotlight

It’s the time of year when the kiddos head back to school and there is a crispness in the air. We may already be reminiscing about the memories made this summer or maybe some achievements we reached along the way. We recently connected with Shari Lee Sugarman, with LeTip of Patchogue. She achieved her Silver Badge status this past summer, and is consistently a top tipper in her chapter. We wanted to learn more about her, her business, and find out what tips she had for other LeTip members looking to make the most out of their membership.

Shari, shared with us that Sugarman Law was formed in 2005.  “Our main area of expertise is real estate transactions, but we offer other services that complement our clients’ needs, such as business and corporate matters and estate planning.”  Their clients range from sophisticated shopping center owners to first time home buyers, to taking care of a simple deed transfers.  They work with lenders as their bank attorney, and with landlords who have tenants who have not paid their rent.  Shari added, “I often say that we can handle most things touching and concerning real estate.” 

You have been a very active member over the course of your membership with LeTip. How has LeTip helped you in your business?

I started Sugarman Law when my son was almost a year old as a way to spend more time with him.   Since law school doesn’t teach you to run a business, I had to learn it on my own.  One of the first things I learned was that you had to network.  A real estate agent introduced me to LeTip about a year later, and from there my business really has grown exponentially. Those 5 reasons we talk about at the end of the meeting?  They are all true.  I learned how to network the right way.  I learned how to be a source of referrals for my clients.  I learned how to be a better public speaker.  I had to leave my original group due to time conflicts after 9+ years, but 5 years later, I rejoined LeTip in another chapter.  I immediately formed some really great relationships that help both my business and my clients.  If one of my clients asks me for something, I just say, I got someone for you!  It builds trust with your clients.  They know they can rely on you, because you can rely on the people in your group to give the best service. 

Congratulations, on recently attained your Silver Badge with LeTip! Can you provide a tip or two for how you bring guest to the meetings and what makes them join?

Bringing in new members is not easy.  People always have an excuse why they don’t want to come to an early morning meeting.  But you have to keep it in the front of your mind when talking to new (or long time) friends, family, colleagues, etc.   Recently, I was at a closing, and chatting with the real estate agent who I have known for a while.  I guess I didn’t know him that well, although he has referred me several deals.  He asked if I had an electrician, and I said sure!  I pulled the card from my caddy, and he was intrigued by what I had.  I started explaining it to him, and then he told me that his real estate agent gig was really just a part time thing, but his main job was a real state appraiser.  He was really interested in LeTip, and joined 3 weeks later!  So that new member could be just about anywhere.  And don’t worry if your chapter already has someone in that category – the LeTip Wired makes it so easy to find out if there is another chapter nearby that needs a person to fill that category. 

What advice do you have for new members in LeTip?

First, get to really know the members in your group.  Meet with them one on one – take the time.  I remember a colleague of mine who joined my first chapter years ago.  He was a young financial advisor, but what impressed me was that in the first month, he made appointments to see each and every one of the members in the group.  You don’t know how to give a referral until you get to know that person. – and vice versa.    Know, like, trust.   You aren’t going to get a referral until that happens. 
Second, be patient.  The referrals will come but you need to put in the time.  Make it so that your colleagues remember you and you are the first person on their mind when someone says, hey do you know someone who does _____________? 
Finally, challenge yourself to give a tip each week.  Look at your co-members and consciously decide to find a couple of them a referral.  Use your LeTip Wired to find people who are not in your chapter and give an inter-chapter tip. 

Congratulations, again, Shari! Thank you for your continued commitment to being a great LeTip member!

Check out Shari’s law firm website by clicking below: