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Member Spotlight: Rick Grabianowski

Nov 2, 2020 | Member Spotlight

The Tale of LeTip and Rick Grabianowski (LeTip member since 2000)
by Linda Anderson of Design Lab (LeTip of Reno member since October 1998)
It didn’t take long for Rick Grabianowski to live, breathe, embrace, enjoy and conquer the concept of LeTip. As an extreme entrepreneur Rick is a mentor and major cajoler to budding business owners. Since joining LeTip of Reno back at the beginning of the century Rick has been a major recruiter. Rick, more than any other member, has seen every membership incentive promotion as a challenge. Dangle that carrot, and Rick responds with multiple guests. The monetary incentives are great, of course, but as Rick says, “I’m successful because of my many LeTip power partners.”
Since Rick assumed LeTip of Reno’s handyman category I have been his graphics power partner, and he has been my go-to guy for fences and gates that can withstand the mighty winds of Nevada. Rick credits loyal LeTip members and his LeTip power partners for the growth of his business and his resulting contractor license.
The growth of Rick’s business has resulted in the growth of other LeTip businesses as he has used fellow members for corporate identity design, marketing material design, signage fabrication, printing, and uniform printing along with his construction trade power partners.
And… Rick is nice to animals.

Rick is celebrating his 20th Year Anniversary as a LeTip member this month.
Happy Anniversary Rick!