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Member Spotlight: Mikey Flaherty

Oct 3, 2022 | Member Spotlight

Did you know that non-profit owners are part of the LeTip family, as well? We, recently, connected with Mikey Flaherty, Non-Profit member for the LeTip of Westside Referrals Network in California. We asked her about her non-profit, Swim With Heart, and how her LeTip membership has been helped her cause. Here is what Mikey had to say:

     “My path to teaching special needs children to swim began when I was a coach on a swim team in Pasadena. There were three kids on the autism spectrum on the team and I found that I was good at relating to this group of special swimmers. The word was spread among parents of special needs students and soon I switched from working with a team to teaching lessons. I was inspired by the experience, and it led to me to establish Swim With Heart in 2010.

     Swim With Heart’s mission is to help those with special needs become empowered, courageous individuals as they gain confidence in their abilities in the water. For many children in our program, learning to swim is their first big win. We replace the words “you can’t,” with “yes, you can!” 

     As the owner of a small nonprofit, Swim with Heart, LeTip has been invaluable to me; supporting and encouraging in times of need and providing me with a diverse community of businesses with which to collaborate and bond. The group has helped me with my public speaking, a key factor in messaging to prospective donors and clients. I’ve also relied on legal advice through colleagues at LeTip, and I can’t imagine navigating the challenges of COVID without their tremendous partnership.
For new members of LeTip, my advice is to be prepared to spend your first year with the organization educating yourself about LeTip members. If you put in the time to become acquainted with members’ businesses and with the individuals who run them, you’ll form valuable, lasting partnerships. You never know which referral will result in a six-figure boost to your business, a significant in-kind donation, or lead you to a Power Partner.  I truly believe there’s power in the cohesiveness and the comradery of LeTip’s dedicated small business owners and for that I am so thankful.”

Thank you, Mikey! We love having you as part of our LeTip family. For those of you who would like to learn more about Swim With Heart, please visit their website at or reach out to Mikey via Wired.

Ok, members! Now you know! Do you have a non-profit in your area you can invite as a guest to your next chapter meeting?