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Member Spotlight: Loretta Love Huff

Sep 21, 2020 | Member Spotlight

Loretta grew up in an entrepreneurial home. Her father owned a drugstore and a laundromat while also working as a Precinct Captain for the (in)famous Chicago Mayor, Richard J Daley.
She never considered an entrepreneurial future for herself as her mother was adamant that she would go to college and even graduate school so that she could land a great job, be independent and in control of her own finances and future.
She heeded her mother’s advice and received a B.S. of Science degree from Howard University in Washington, DC, (Kamala Harris’ alma mater), began her corporate journey in Chicago, working for such corporate giants at Sears Roebuck and Co headquarters (when it WAS a giant) as an Office Manager, Computer Programmer and Market Research Manager, moving on to Continental Illinois National Bank (now BofA) as a commercial banker, then to Kraft Foods, Apple Computer, Sega of America, DreamWorks in HR leadership roles, and on to a couple of Silicon Valley startups as a VP of HR.
Throughout the early career years, she held sales positions in a few businesses, then launched her consulting firm as a business/management consultant & executive coach in May 2000 to help engaged, excited and often exhausted entrepreneurs, executives and corporate professionals exceed their dreams, helping them launch, lead and grow their ventures, so that they have the time to enjoy life and the fruits of their labor. Most of her coaching clients work with her remotely, via telephone or Zoom.
Loretta overcame her almost debilitating shyness as a child to become an international keynote speaker who delivers informative and engaging keynote speeches, corporate trainings, breakout sessions and effective panel moderation tailored specifically for her clients’ needs
In 2003, Loretta moved to Phoenix Arizona to marry her college-era sweetheart, joined the Tempe Professionals chapter of LeTip International, Inc. in October of 2006.
Over the years, she has served as Secretary and Publicity Director helping numerous chapter members get local media attention.
Loretta is a Silver badge holder and is quick to say, “LeTip has definitely put ‘dollars in my pocket’”!
Check out Loretta’s company website at