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Member Spotlight: Karen Young

Feb 1, 2021 | Member Spotlight

What in the world is #DramaFreeHR? There is NO way that exists! Well, member Karen Young, from LeTip of West Shore would beg to differ with you! She holds the HR Category in her Chapter.

Karen is the founder and President of HR Resolutions and the bestselling author of “Stop Knocking on My Door: Drama-Free HR to Help Grow Your Business” which debuted on Amazon as the #1 Hot New Release in Human Resources in 2020! She lives in Harrisburg, PA with her husband of almost 26 years and their retired racing greyhounds. She started HR Resolutions, following 20 years in Corporate HR, in 2005 as a means of providing HR expertise to small businesses who don’t need a full-time HR department but recognize they still need that expertise!

Karen has been an active member of LeTip since April of 2018 (although she was a member for a few years in the “way back” when she started HR Resolutions in 2005). She has served as Tip Master and is actively assisting LeTip of West Shore’s Membership Chair currently. She recently transferred to the LeTip of West Shore chapter where she had already been doing business with or was associated with at least 17 of the members – many had been trying to get her into the chapter for several years – she just fought the 7AM start!

Since returning in 2018, Karen has definitely seen a return on her investment; she recognizes that you get out of an organization what you put into the organization. When COVID hit, she was anxious to continue being involved in LeTip and decided to participate in the Friday Happy Hour calls – besides, what a GREAT way to end your week! Karen is a regular now and has even been, sort of, adopted by the LeTip of Boca Raton chapter (Boca, Boca, Boca!), who regularly overwhelms the Happy Hour – LOL. LeTip was also gracious enough to provide Karen an opportunity to provide a Member Webinar during the late Spring/early Summer. (FYI, you can find it on the LeTip website.)

Karen views LeTip as her extended family – both her local Chapter and the National group that meets for Lunch (Wednesdays) and Happy Hour (Fridays.) It is one of the things she values most about her membership. “I know I can pick up the phone or send an email to anyone in my Chapter if I need a trusted advisor or have a quick question about their area of expertise.” She is, truly, a raving fan of LeTip. Her 2021 Goal is to move from a Green Badge to a Blue Badge and to develop a system for her Chapter to be recruiting Power Partners – not just for her but for any member of the Chapter.

A great question to ask if you want to learn how to refer people to Karen: “Would you like to save $292,000?” Who’s going to say no to that?! (FYI, that’s the average cost of an Equal Employment Opportunity claim settlement…) With effective HR Policies and Practices, you can minimize your exposure and put that money to significantly better use!

Karen A. Young, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
717-652-5187, x1