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Member Spotlight: Al Mervin

Jun 17, 2019 | Member Spotlight

Al Mervin has been in LeTip for over two decades, and goes on to tell us about his company LJ Sales and his experience within LeTip:

“We are a small business that has been around for more than 25 years. LJ Sales started in the printing industry and then clients were asking for products with their logo, so we started selling promotional products in the GTA in addition to the printing needs of our clients. While learning more about the two industries and serving clients better, my daughter Lisa joined LJ Sales and we started to provide graphic design for clients. LJ Sales has become a one stop shop for companies with developing their marketing strategies which creates satisfied clients.

LJ Sales works with you and listens to your opinions as to what you are looking for in your design, printed items and promotional products. We still will use our expertise to ensure that your product is designed and printed to be professional and to attract your clientele.

In June of 1996 a friend of mine asked me if I would like to attend a networking meeting with him. I said yes and attended my first meeting of LeTip and have been a member ever since. Over the years I have served on most of the committees and was president in the year 2000. I have received and given thousands of tips and still maintain relationships with some of the past members. LeTip is the best place to build your business. My daughter, Lisa, who was a member of another chapter joined our chapter in January and she too has become active in the group. Networking with other business people is a great way to develop relationships and increase business.”

Thank you for being a valuable part of our LeTip family, Al!