
Energize Your Business

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The Magic of the Number 16

Aug 4, 2017 | Networking Tips

16 is the magic number you should strive to reach as a new chapter because it allows corporate to “charter” your chapter. Each member in the chapter at that point, receives a special “charter” member tag to place under your LeTip name badge. Congratulations, you will never see anyone else ever have this distinction in your chapter! Now anyone seeing your name may ask how you got it and what does it mean?

Being “chartered” means you were one of the first 16 in the chapter to help make it grow and sustainable. You become a mother or father of that chapter. Because you have created trust and value with each other and newer members coming in, charter members typically make more money in the chapter than others just coming to the table. It is the first level of success for any chapter. You made this happen! Now you can sustain and continue to grow!

Once you reach that important point, you should be able to handle the announcement like a “party”! Someone from the corporate office will come out to “charter” you in person! We will literally celebrate at your chapter meeting, inviting spouses, colleagues, friends and guests to join us that day. We will, with pomp and circumstance present you with your charter member tags and a certificate of your ”charter” signed by all the members in attendance. We will have cake and acknowledge what a great feat you have accomplished. Pictures will be taken and an announcement will be put on our international Facebook page!

The next goal is to reach 22 and share on average $300k amongst your chapter for the year. Once your chapter is at 30+ we know your chapter will share a million plus of business on average with rest of the members. It is exponential growth and it all starts with being “chartered”!

How close are you to being “chartered”? Let us know, we want to help you!