
Energize Your Business

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LeTip of Toms River, NJ

Feb 18, 2019 | Featured Chapter

“While a good leader sustains momentum, a great leader increases it.” — John C. Maxwell. As it takes great leaders to build/start a chapter, it is the responsibility of each chapter member to create those strong relationships to be able to add value to their seat. With twenty-six new members in 7 months, LeTip of Toms River took off running.

Being a prior LeTip Member, Matthew Solomon took the opportunity in April of 2018 to start this chapter. With the help of Paul Della Valle, East Coast VP, and Linda DeTore, Past President of LeTip’s largest chapter and now area representative, the LeTip of Toms River chapter atmosphere began to form quickly. Linda was very glad to be working with this chapter as she emphasizes that they all work great together. Being only 7 members away from his Gold badge, Matthew “brings great vibes” per Paul Della Valle. Cassia Roxas, Membership Chair and Mortgage Loans Category, helps be the glue of the team following Matthew with a silver badge.

Connect, Connect, Connect

LeTip of Toms River takes pride in using as many networking opportunities as possible, therefore they have implemented a goal to have a mixer once a month. This helps the chapter break up their regular meeting routine and with a more social setting, usually hosted at a restaurant, connect and build trust.

0-29 in 7 months? WOW! How?

Michael Bucca, recently taking over as Vice President, says not only does his chapter work great together, but they also have those members who have networking in their blood. “We have core members who have really stepped up and helped build our chapter.”

“Within 7 months, I received approximately 21 tips, it has helped my business immensely” says Michael Bucca. To expand, Michael remembers when Kim Marie visited their chapter meeting, she was shocked at the number of tips that were regularly passed. Being in the Non-Profit category it is not usually the easiest category to pass tips to but in Michael’s time in LeTip, after being in two different categories, he is excited to be able to say that he has received substantial business in both.

“Toms River, our hats off to each one of you and your immense success this year. We can’t wait to see your accomplishments within the upcoming years!” -LeTip Headquarters