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LeTip of San Diego North, CA

Feb 3, 2020 | Featured Chapter

LeTip of San Diego North

Did you know that LeTip Of San Diego North is the second oldest group in San Diego? Established on March 19th, 1982, the group started just shy of 5 months from the first group. LeTip Of San Diego North has not only been establishing networking relationships for more than 28 years, but also, their top 20 members have been a part of the group for more than 15 plus years!

Their chapter success has been guided by The Guiding Principle of LeTip International “To intentionally help one another prosper through mutually beneficial relationships, and thus create an economy that rewards everyone”.

The chapter has 4 silver badge holders. What this means is that these great individuals have brought 10 or more members to our group and were a part of the growth of the chapter. Those honorable members are Sandra Scott – Insurance L/H/D (1989), Fred Nasseri – Retail Jewelry (1992), Pat O’Sullivan – Mailing Services (2000), and Robert Worner – Factoring Broker (1987). The chapter continuously ranges around 50 members and is working their way towards online tipping!

Also if you are looking for something for that special someone in your life for this upcoming Valentine’s day, Fred Nasseri might be able to help you; he is in the Retail Jewelry category.

Be sure to give him a call or check out his website: