LeTip of Tigard recently had a business mixer and are participating in a membership drive. When we reached out to their Membership Chair, Rob Caress, this is what he had to say about the event:
“We met at Tumwater Winery for our business mixer. We also used the event to celebrate Steve Gray’s 20 year anniversary. We had over 50 attendees. The mixer was scheduled for 6-9PM, but went until about 9:30.
The event had raffle prizes, door prizes, great catering, and an awesome location! Our Business Mixer and Election Committee Chairperson Elaine Kresta was in charge of the event and the mixer chair.
So far, LeTip of Tigard is growing. We are driving back to 65, and are currently at 58 members. I have paired each white badge member together with a green or blue badge member to work to together to bring in a new member.
We are calling them “Tiger Teams”. The colored badges get there local dues paid by the chapter, and the white badges are getting the badge credit. So far we have seen successful results!”