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LeTip of Port Jefferson, NY

Dec 5, 2022 | Featured Chapter

Located about 50 miles east of New York City, along the North Shore of Long Island, is the village of Port Jefferson, New York. It is the home of the LeTip of Port Jefferson Chapter. This 96 member chapter meets on Tuesday mornings in person. We connected with past-president Roy Pfleger and chatted about the chapter.

How does your chapter overcome obstacles? We work together, always. Outside of our ordinary board business, we often rely on the opinions of others within our chapter. We have many members that share different and unique relationships with different members so, we often bring many opinions together to do our best to move the chapter forward with everyone in mind. You’re never going to make decisions that make everyone happy; but we’ve made decisions that go with the majority. We respect each of our members and their right to do what’s necessary to feel comfortable and safe.

What unique things has the chapter done to rebuild since Covid? We’ve come back stronger than ever. We moved to a bigger location – to make everyone feel safe and to give us room to grow. We’re targeting 3 members each month for tipping. We focus on new members and on older members, who haven’t received a lot of business.

Do you do any chapter events (Virtual or in-person) other than the weekly meetings? Yes, in the last year or so we held an event to honor our newest Platinum, Gold and Silver badge holders. We planned an in-person “after the holidays” event this past March. We also encourage all our members to attend our “First Friday’s” networking event at Ristegios. The owner of Ristegio’s is in our chapter so we try to get as many members as possible to hang out for happy hour on the first Friday of each month!

Would you like to share any member success stories? Our members str having an incredible amount of success. We have many business owners that started with just themselves or a small crew and now they are managing multiple crews with fleets of trucks. Our current Treasurer, Phil Caputo, was actually able to reach 400 tips last year by selling other members services through different associations and affiliations.

Do you have any great power partnerships in your chapter? How do they work together for success? Yes! We have several! Our real estate team is one of the strongest. We have our Real Estate Attorney, Mortgage Broker, Title Insurance Agent, and Real Estate Broker that love working with each other! Our contractors have formed an amazing group as well as our financial service professionals.  

What would you like us to know about your chapter that makes you different from others? We focus on growth, we’ve nailed the Facebook-LeTip technique, and we focus truly developing that “family” feel, so we can make sure we’re all successful. Our chapter is much more than the general meeting that takes place every Tuesday. We have our own private Facebook group where we share personal celebrations, happy birthdays, special business offers, and just funny stories. People immediately feel part of something bigger than a networking group when they are voted in!

Thank you, Roy, for allowing us to take a peek into what makes your chapter successful. We look forward to witnessing your continued chapter successes!