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LeTip of La Jolla, CA

Jul 15, 2019 | Featured Chapter

LeTip of La Jolla is the very first chapter ever started by LeTip founder, Ken Peterson. Today, it is still going strong in America’s Finest City- San Diego. Currently with 63 members and growing, our chapter is a networking family that keeps on giving to each other each week. Our chapter tagline is “Where we have been building friendships and prosperity since 1981!” That is 38 years of networking. The true ingredient to our chapter is the friendships built within the members; even long after a member leaves that friendship still exists.

We currently have members that are still active who have been members since the beginning, such as Clark Anderson, 38 years; following right behind him are John Rush and Dr. Mike Kilbride with 37 years, Ron Marcotte with 29 years, Garry Grace with 28 years and many others with 20+ years, 10+ years to 1+ month. New members feel the energy the minute they step foot in the meeting. Laughter is the melody in our Friday morning meetings, followed by giant smiles caused by Dr. Mike’s jokes which keep giving and giving year after year!

Ways to keep a healthy chapter starts with a strong Board of Directors. The Board takes their duties seriously just as they do in their own businesses. Solid leadership by the Board and their Committee Chairs, as well, holding all members in the chapter accountable to participate is key to a successful and healthy chapter. Over the past few years, our chapter has really focused on improving our Mentor Program. We believe having a strong mentorship program will benefit the new members, as well as strengthen the core group and improve the overall membership.

If you are ever in our area, please feel free to attend one of our meetings. Check us out on the new and improved LeTipWIRED, or visit us at