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LeTip International’s West Coast VP Honored By His Old LeTip Chapter

Feb 24, 2017 | News & Announcements

Douglas Christian, LeTip International’s current company West Coast vice president attended his old LeTip chapter’s annual awards banquet. The current Chapter President, Dan Gordon, bestowed on Mr. Christian the 2016 All-Time Best President award.

Mr. Gordon is the 15th chapter president who ultimately took over during Mr. Christian’s 5th term as chapter president so Mr. Christian could move on and take the helm of LeTip International’s West Coast area as company West Coast Vice President.

The event was held Saturday, February 4th, in Los Angeles at Cafe Sanchez. The Westside Referrals Network of LeTip in Los Angeles is one of LeTip’s flagship chapters in that area. Not being a part of the group since September 2015 when Mr. Christian moved to take the helm of LeTip International, he stated, “I am shocked and  honored!”

What a great thrill to be recognized by such an amazing group of entrepreneurs”. Mr. Christian went on to praise the current leadership and membership stating he has made life-long friends with many of that chapter’s members. Furthermore, in his year and a half as LeTip International HQ he has started making life-long friends with members in chapters around the country. “I am blessed and I have a good life” he tells us as he talks so passionately and emotionally about LeTip as a whole.

This amazing organization is really one you will want to check out if you are not already a chapter member of a local LeTip group in your area.