Unique Businesses in LeTip

Many LeTip members run small businesses in unique businesses categories. We have 134 members who are the only business in their category nationwide and another 360 in categories where there are 4 or fewer members in that category. Having a unique category presents a...

Meet the CEO 11/27/18

November 27th, 2018 Live Video Online Call Time: 8:30 A.M. PT (11:30 A.M. ET) Meeting Length: ~1 hr Location: Online Video Conference LeTip International’s very own CEO and owner will be doing an online video call where our valued members can get a chance to...

LeTip of Las Vegas – 25 Years Strong!

(Pictured above, Chapter President Robert Bridel welcoming Sidney Wilson into their chapter in the Home Healthcare Category) LeTip of Las Vegas just celebrated their 25th anniversary. The chapter was founded in September of 1993, and one of the most established...