Member Spotlight: Andrew Becker

With tax season upon us, we want to encourage our LeTip members to support your local LeTip CPA’s. This a great opportunity for inter-chapter tipping, and networking if the CPA category in your chapter is not already taken. LeTip has CPA’s in over 13 states and...

Featured Category: Florists

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, we wanted to give a shout out to all of the Florists within our LeTip Chapters! While anytime is a good time to send your loved ones a flower arrangement, Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular and busy times for...

LeTip of Schaumburg, IL

LeTip of Schaumburg, IL was founded on February 21, 1996. Celebrating their 23rd year, they are one of Illinois’ strongest chapters with 33 members. Eight out of ten of their oldest members serve leadership roles for the chapter. This provides the chapter an...

LeTip Language: "Excellence"

LeTip Language: “Excellence” Performing above and beyond normal expectations while adhering to the highest standards. The best—without peer. Excellence can be achieved by an individual with great effort. Excellence can only be achieved in an organization through...

LeTip Language: “Excellence”

LeTip Language: “Excellence” Performing above and beyond normal expectations while adhering to the highest standards. The best—without peer. Excellence can be achieved by an individual with great effort. Excellence can only be achieved in an organization through...