Don't Go Dark During Summer

Don't Go Dark During Summer

We tend to believe that it is harder to grow a chapter in the Summer than at any other time of the year because everyone is gone on vacation! Really? Are you gone? Do you still have to make a house payment, pay for your car, your food? Are you truly gone all Summer? I...

Don’t Go Dark During Summer

We tend to believe that it is harder to grow a chapter in the Summer than at any other time of the year because everyone is gone on vacation! Really? Are you gone? Do you still have to make a house payment, pay for your car, your food? Are you truly gone all Summer? I...
Member Spotlight: Wayne Johnson

Member Spotlight: Wayne Johnson

Wayne Johnson has been in LeTip of Bothell, WA for 6 years and is 6 sponsors away from earning his Gold Badge. As a Past President, Wayne has been a great asset to LeTip of Bothell throughout the past 6 years. Wayne and his wife, Bethany are entrepreneurs in Bothell,...
Joe Schwab, Mentor of the Year

Joe Schwab, Mentor of the Year

LeTip has been a major part of my life for 11 years. Aside from the obvious benefits of “dollars in my pocket” there is so much more. Friendships & psychic income are the two major ones that come to mind. It’s so ironic to be a recipient of the...
Member Anniversaries

Member Anniversaries

For Q3 2019, we want to celebrate some special anniversaries of our members. We have three members celebrating 30 years with their LeTip Chapter: Harry Barseghian, 30 years with LeTip LeTip of Brentwood, CA | Harry’s Auto Body, Inc. | Auto Body Repair Ronald...