Chapter Anniversaries

Chapter Anniversaries

Wrapping up the end of 2019 are the next batch of LeTip Chapter Anniversaries. This November (and no anniversaries for December) we will have six different chapters celebrating specific milestones. We want to acknowledge their commitment to LeTip, each other and their...
The Value of Power Events

The Value of Power Events

“We have talked about Power Events and most of our members are not familiar with ever having seen one or been involved so let’s talk about what Power Events do for a chapter, a community and marketing to help grow chapters. In the past we have held half day...
Member Anniversaries

Member Anniversaries

For Q4 2019, we want to celebrate some special anniversaries of our members. We have one member celebrating 30 years with their LeTip Chapter: Sandra Scott, 30 years with LeTip LeTip of San Diego North, CA | Scott Financial Services | Insurance Life Health and...
Small Business Saturday 2019

Small Business Saturday 2019

LeTip is all about Small Business! For almost 42 years, LeTip has been teaming with Small Business Owners to find ways to promote Small Business growth. We say “It’s great to be in business for yourself, but not by yourself. Be in business with LeTip!” In 2010,...
LeTip of Port Jefferson, NY

LeTip of Port Jefferson, NY

LeTip of Port Jefferson, NY was founded in August of 1999, making this year their 20th anniversary. They are one of the most vibrant and active chapters in the East Coast. It is easy to feel involved and captured by their energy even from 2,500 miles away at LeTip...