Member Anniversaries

Member Anniversaries

For January 2020, we want to celebrate some special anniversaries of our members. Member Join Date Years in LeTip Chapter James Walsh 1/31/1995 25 “LeTip of Howard County David Parker 1/30/1995 25 “LeTip of Princeton Richard Gross 1/25/1995 25...
Nominate Now – Choose Wisely

Nominate Now – Choose Wisely

It is January and the time of year we look to vote in new officers or confirm the ones we have. It is a valuable time of the year and one that should mean the world to each of you. It is the time to step up and make a decision… can I help run this chapter? Do I...
Member Spotlight: Thomas Panebianco

Member Spotlight: Thomas Panebianco

My name is Tommy Panebianco, licensed realtor of Realty Connect USA. I am a born and raised native to Long Island, NY and have no intention on ever leaving. The salt in the air and ability to drive twenty minutes from just about anywhere and find yourself on a beach...

LeTip of Kelso, WA

With twelve years of experience, LeTip of Kelso, WA showed great growth in 2019. They ended 2018 with 22 members and are now up to 35. With strong tenured members such as Dr. Steve Pond, 11-year member, they have been able to build momentum for growth and continue to...
Network Training Seminars

Network Training Seminars

Live Video Online Network Training Seminars are for LeTip members and guests alike, whether you are a new member wanting to learn how to be a better networker or an old member needing a refresher course, or a guest who is thinking about joining LeTip. Open to the...