Member Spotlight: Richard Bliss

Member Spotlight: Richard Bliss

Richard Bliss is LeTip of Northridge’s chapter Printer who has sold Printing and Promotional Products (including embroidered apparel) for over 30 years. He specializes primarily in printing, but with the recent virus travel restrictions across the nation he has had...
How Can I Get Your Business?

How Can I Get Your Business?

“How can I get your business?” That is a loaded question in today’s world being ravaged by Covid-19. It is, however, an essential question now and when things return to normal. What do you do? What does it look like? Why is it even important? So, let’s start with some...
LeTip of Plano, TX

LeTip of Plano, TX

During tough times it’s important to pay it forward and support one another. We wanted to share a story from LeTip of Plano, TX as their weekly meeting had some unique twists. Like always, there was networking before the meeting but this week, it was virtually. All...
Staying Connected

Staying Connected

Are you finding ways to stay connected with your chapter? This is not the first (and definitely won’t be the last) time LeTip chapters have had to face adverse situations, and many are maintaining their business using online video conferencing. What a fantastic...
Member Spotlight: Lindsey Vandevier

Member Spotlight: Lindsey Vandevier

One of our members, Lindsey Vandevier, is a florist on the East Coast. Even with storefronts being restricted and closed down by the state, she has come up with an awesome idea to continue doing business in the face of these adverse times. Please read her story below:...