Top Growing Chapters in Q2 2020

Top Growing Chapters in Q2 2020

We are so proud of our LeTip Community who has supported one another through these unprecedented times. Meeting virtually has given a sense of normalcy and support to members and their businesses. We wanted to bring a special spotlight to the chapters who have been...
Member Spotlight: Harry Hochman

Member Spotlight: Harry Hochman

It is my distinct honor to be the featured LeTip member in this issue of Communicare. I have been a member of LeTip of Toronto East/Markham, CDA for 16 years. I am one of several people in our chapter who have been members for as long or longer. This speaks volumes...
Chapter Anniversaries

Chapter Anniversaries

We would like to recognize and congratulate several LeTip Chapters who are celebrating Anniversaries. For March – June 2020 we have twenty different chapters celebrating specific milestones. We want to acknowledge their commitment to LeTip, each other and their...
Strategic Planning for YOUR LeTip Membership

Strategic Planning for YOUR LeTip Membership

Why pay more? Each year your LeTip membership Renewal Dues are designed to increase incrementally with rising business costs. But there is a solution! As of Wednesday January 1st 2020 LeTip International instituted a new LOCK on increasing renewal dues. Every 12 month...