November 2020 Badge Upgrades

November 2020 Badge Upgrades

We would like to honor our LeTip members who have worked hard to upgrade their badges over the past few months. Members who have had their badge upgraded to SILVER in October – November of 2020: Member Name Chapter Name Badge Color John Pyron LeTip of South...
LeTip of Hauppauge Gives Back

LeTip of Hauppauge Gives Back

I wanted to share with you this story of kindness and goodwill that LeTip of Hauppauge represents to make a difference whenever we can. In the past we have participated in many charitable ways such as the Wounded Worriers, The Beacon house, Coat Drives, Sole for...
Member Spotlight: Dean Provence

Member Spotlight: Dean Provence

I was asked to join a LeTip group that was starting up in downtown Sacramento, by a lender friend of mine in 1994. I was President the 2nd year and moved to Monterey in 1997, after my Father passed away, and my Mom wanted me to join her in the Real Estate business...
LeTip of Oakbrook, IL

LeTip of Oakbrook, IL

LeTip of Oakbrook, IL 11-year chapter. switched to virtual meetings after our host location had to close. The challenges have been connectivity while so many people are remote. The biggest issue with Zoom has been the minor issue of forgetting to unmute and screen...
Back on Track for 2021!

Back on Track for 2021!

We may have heard this word used to death over the past year, but these are “unprecedented” times. As a business owner, you’re used to improvising and navigating difficult situations, but there’s no blueprint for what 2020 has thrown at us. It’s left many business...