Featured Categories: Pets

Featured Categories: Pets

Many of our LeTip members are pet owners, and some even work with pets as a fulltime job! Unique categories such as these are an important part of LeTip that helps bring in new opportunities for business. We wanted to give a shout-out to all of our Pet-related...
Member Spotlight: Kathi Gillespie

Member Spotlight: Kathi Gillespie

Kathi Gillespie, Independent petPro with pawTree. Changing the lives of pets and their people one pet parent at a time! After 40 + years in healthcare, I found myself waking up to no longer being excited about going to work each day. I had lost that spark of passion...
Perfect Attendance

Perfect Attendance

These are all of our members who had perfect attendance for the year 2020.We would like to recognize them for their outstanding dedication! ★ Allison Duine ★ LeTip of Boca Raton, FL ★ Adam Cooper ★ LeTip of Boca Raton, FL ★ Peter Zales ★ LeTip of Cherry Hill, NJ ★...
Board Shadowing

Board Shadowing

Board Shadowing… What does it mean? When the Board of Directors is nominated and voted into office in a LeTip chapter, they learn how to work together to make a cohesive team. When a new board is voted in there may be some of the new board who do not know what takes...