Power Partners: Weddings & Events

Power Partners: Weddings & Events

As members of LeTip, you probably already know the value of building relationships. As those relationships are built, you may find members in categories that are a synergistic match with your own – members that can easily tip you by the nature of what they do. Those...
Member Spotlight: Arielle Galiano

Member Spotlight: Arielle Galiano

LeTip of Bell Works, New Jersey is one of our fastest growing chapters at 42 members-strong, in its first year. Arielle Galiano is a founding member of the chapter and current Vice President. However, this isn’t her first chapter. Arielle first joined LeTip in 2016....
Communicare – January 2023

Communicare – January 2023

Joy HuntsmanLeTip of West Desert, NVChapter President View LeTip of HendersonA dedicated Nevada chaptercoming into their 7th year View Adapt & Overcome!How to adapt for the New Year, and some thanks given to our members View Wheel of Awards ContestDon’t miss out...
LeTip of Henderson, NV

LeTip of Henderson, NV

Here we are in a fresh new year! Welcome 2023! Your Communicare crew is here, ready to bring you a whole new year of connections, information, and inspiration! For the month of January, we would like to give the spotlight to LeTip of Henderson, Nevada! This 23-member...
Prepare & Adapt!

Prepare & Adapt!

Change: No one likes it, but it is inevitable. It’s the beginning of a new year and with it will come change. There are many portrayals of life in the holiday movies we saw over the past two months. Whether it was “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “The Holiday”, “Miracle of...